October 3, 2023

Discover City Walks with the Best Tour App for Walking Tours

Experience the best city exploration with our highly-rated tour app. Navigate through city streets, learn fascinating history, and make every walk a memorable tour. Download now!
Discover City Walks with the Best Tour App for Walking Tours

Discover the Best Walking Tour Apps for Your Next Adventure

Planning a trip to a new city can be a thrilling yet overwhelming task. It's crucial to find a balance between experiencing local culture, visiting historic landmarks, and exploring hidden gems. Thankfully, technology has made it easier for travelers worldwide, with apps designed to enhance your tourism experience. In this article, we'll explore the five best walking tour apps that will take your city exploration to the next level.

The Power of Self-Guided Walking Tours

Walking tours have always been a popular way for visitors to get to know a city. A tour guide usually leads these city walks, educating the group about the local history and attractions. However, guided tours often follow a fixed schedule, which may not suit everyone's pace or interest.

This is where self-guided walking tours step in. They offer the knowledge and structure of a guided tour but with the freedom to explore at your pace. More so, they let you take a break to dive deeper into an attraction that piques your interest, stop for a snack at a local eatery, or simply sit and soak in the city vibes.

Unleashing the Potential of Tour Apps

The digital age has seen the advent of tour apps, transforming the way we explore cities worldwide. Now, your smartphone is your tour guide. And the tour app is its knowledge repository. These apps allow you to download tours, follow interactive maps, and listen to audio commentary right on your phone. They offer self-guided tours that will impress locals and visitors alike.

Top 5 Best Apps for Self-Guided Walking Tours


Taking the traditional audio tour to the next level, GPSMyCity offers over 6000 self-guided walks in cities around the world. It uses your phone’s GPS to pinpoint your location and guide you along a route. You can stop and start your tour at your convenience, and even use the app offline. The app is available for download on the App Store and Google Play.


Detour offers a unique take on the walking tour app. It immerses you in a story, with the city as your stage. It takes the audio tour to the next level, with tours that will impress locals. Its built-in GPS navigation feature ensures that you won't get lost while you're engrossed in the story. Detour is available for download on both Android and iPhone devices.


This app turns your phone into a personal tour guide, offering guided and self-guided tours in hundreds of cities worldwide. The app uses your phone's built-in GPS to provide real-time directions and includes offline maps. You can download the app on Google Play or the App Store.


Trivium offers a range of guided and self-guided tours. From historic tours built around significant periods to scavenger hunts that turn a city into a game, Trivium is an engaging way to explore. The app uses your phone's GPS to pinpoint your location and guide you on your adventure.


The last on our list, but definitely not the least, is VoiceMap. This tour app allows you to immerse in the city's culture through the stories told by local storytellers. You can download the app from the Google Play or iTunes store and start your journey.

Using Tour Apps for the Best Experience

A walking tour app is more than just a digital tour guide. It's an interactive way to learn about a city's history, explore its attractions, and discover its hidden gems. But like any tool, the app is only as useful as the person using it. Here are a few tips to get the best experience from your tour app:

  • Download the app and any tours you're interested in before your trip. Most apps allow you to use the tours offline, which can be a lifesaver when you're trying to save on data or in areas with poor internet connectivity.
  • Use headphones. This will make it easier to hear the audio and stay immersed in your tour.
  • Keep your phone charged. Running a tour app, especially one using GPS, can drain your battery. It's a good idea to start with a full charge and carry a portable charger if you have one.


Tour apps are a fantastic resource for travelers wanting to explore a city at their pace, delving into its history, and experiencing it like a local. So, on your next trip, skip the pricey bus tour. Instead, download one of these top-rated tour apps, put on your comfortable shoes, and embark on an unforgettable journey.

Note: Always remember to stay safe and be respectful of the places and people you visit. Happy exploring!

Elevate Your Travel Experience: Download Cunian, the Ultimate Free Digital Tour Guide App Now!

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to explore cities in a completely new and exciting way. The Cunian app offers unique, high-quality tours absolutely free. Experience the charm of European cities or the bustling energy of San Francisco's streets - all at your fingertips. With Cunian, your exploration is on another level. No more waiting, dive in and download Cunian today for an unmatched walking tour experience. Start to roam, learn and immerse yourself in the incredible world of self-guided tours. Uncover the historic tales built within each city and navigate your way to hidden gems.